Friday, December 10, 2010

Feeling Ambitious!

As a new mom I have learned a few things. The first thing is that my precious "blog time" is now pretty much non-existent. To think I actually thought when Harper took a nap, I would have time to blog. No sir, that is my only time to try to clean the house (and try to take a 5 minute shower.) And Harper prefers napping in the car and late-night. So for the most part, I struggle to find time in the day to sit down and write. But man I miss it! And I have missed all of my sweet blog friends. I hope you are doing wonderful this holiday season.

Well I guess I will start off we a brief re-cap of the last few weeks. My baby is growing up right in front of my eyes. It is so amazing. I am truly blessed because he is a WONDERFUL and "easy" baby for the most part. Now I still have rough days here and there but most of the time Harper is an angel. He LOVES to laugh and smile. We wake up every morning and he just giggles and smiles for a good 30 minutes. It seriously melts my heart. He stares right at me and when I say, "Harper smile for mommy," he starts cracking up. And his little laugh is so sweet! I could sit there and watch him laugh all day. I think he is going to have a big personality and be very social. When we are out at the store, I literally get stopped on average 10 times per store. And when someone stops to look at him, he gives them a huge smile and shows off his dimples. Of course, people get a kick out of this and end up standing there and watching him for several minutes. So as you can imagine, grocery trips take quite awhile these days. But I don't mind at all, I love the fact that people adore my baby! 

Harper cries for one reason... because he is hungry. It makes things pretty easy on me because when he screams, I know a little food will make him happy. 

When Harper turned two months old, we had to go get his first set of shots. Talk about MISERABLE! I hated every second of it. He reached out for me and screamed. It was a horrible cry, one I had not experienced. My heart sunk and I wanted to help him but as all mamas know, you just have to stand there and watch your little baby suffer. I will admit, I cried a little myself. I couldn't help it. So I think Erik is going to go to the next shot appointment and I am going to stay in the waiting area. I brought my camera to the appointment with us, I pretty much take photos of EVERYTHING for little man's scrapbook. The photo below was taken right before the nurse came in. He was so happy and cheerful but that changed real fast! 

As I mentioned before, Harper has some seriously cute dimples. It was inevitable that he would end up with dimples since both Erik and I have them. I always try to snap pictures when he gets in his giggly mode. Here is a cute one I took with his handsome little hat on.

Harper's dark hair is still falling out and it keeps coming back in lighter and lighter. So we have no idea if he will end up a toe-head like me or have dark curly hair like daddy. But it is fun to guess! We are pretty positive he will have curly hair because it is already growing in wavy in the back. And Harp ended up with big "Dugan eyes." I actually have 27 first cousins on my dad's side and we all have these big round eyes. Right now Harper's are a gorgeous blue (they look dark in photos but they are actually light blue.) 

We are so excited to celebrate his first Christmas. I have had such a good time shopping for baby gifts! Even though he is still a little young, Erik and I are planning on getting him a little red Radio Flyer wagon for Christmas (I think one of you all suggested that, so thanks for the great suggestion!) I had one growing up and I LOVED IT!! 

Well I am off to eat lunch with my best friend, Marisa. We are going to Grouchos, yum! They opened one in downtown Spartanburg which is very exciting because that was one of my favorites in college. STP Dipper all the way! I can remember waking up, feeling a little rough from the night before, gathering the roomies, then heading to Grouchos in our pajamas. Gotta love college! 

O and I am really excited to share our new family portraits with you all! We had a wonderful photographer, Lauren Gossett, shoot them for us. They are amazing. I am going to share some information about Lauren and some of of family photos this week!! So yes, I plan on blogging again this week... I guess I am feeling ambitious! HAHA 



  1. very well-written


  2. Harper is just so precious!!! Glad you guys are doing great!!

  3. such a precious, handsome little man!

  4. AW! He's darling! Couldn't wait for the update! Love Grouchos!! Have fun!!

  5. So good to hear an update! Glad y'all are doing so well. LOVE those dimples. Let me tell you...the getting stopped in stores will never stop! People do it now more than ever with my little man. And it takes longer because now he can really respond to them!

    Love his blanket too! You take some great photos!

  6. No wonder people stop to stare at little Harper, he's adorable! And those dimples will surely melt some little girls heart!

    I totally understand your lack of time. Just take it one day at a time and enjoy every minute of your little guy (:

  7. Happy to hear that everything is OK and that you are enjoying Harper! He's just to cute!!!! Have a great weekend!


  8. 27 first cousins! that's insane!

    I *love* that picture of him in the little brown and red jacket and hat. Too adorable.

    What is Grouchos? We don't make it to Spartanburg often but I'm always up for trying a great new food place :)

  9. Aw, I love his dimples! He looks like a little man in his hat!

  10. He is so precious Jamie! It seems like I can't usually see the resemblance in a baby to his parents, but oh my, there isn't a shadow of a doubt exactly who Harper came from. He looks like a perfect mix of you two!
